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Long Island Personal Injury Blog

Category: Long Island Personal Injury Blog

At Carner & DeVita, we are passionate about providing updates and keeping our community informed on news and law regulations related to personal injuries in around Long Island.

11 Dec 2019

7 Most Common Causes of Boating Accidents on Long Island

Boating on Long Island is an exhilarating pastime and a time-honored tradition. Our waters have hosted generations of locals and out-of-town visitors for centuries. At the same time, boating should always be approached with caution because of the potential for

11 Dec 2019

Who Is Most At Risk for Pedestrian Accidents on Long Island?

Oftentimes, the streets of Long Island favor motor vehicles over the safety and well-being of pedestrians. Pedestrian-unfriendly corridors force individuals to walk along streets with no sidewalks and no protections from other cars. Individuals are also put at risk when

04 Mar 2013

Do You Know What Uninsured Motorist Coverage Is?

This couple from Staten Island wish they had known before an accident.  Please read this cautionary tale and make sure you take a few steps to protect yourself against the carlessness of others. The additional insurance known as Supplemental Uninsured/Underinsured

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27 Jun 2012

Be Your Own Health Advocate: 14 Worst Hospital Mistakes to Avoid

Fact is, we live in an age where our civil justice rights are under assault from political interest groups.   They seek to curb our ability to hold others responsible when harmful mistakes are made.  In the face of that perhaps an ounce

21 Jun 2012

Seeing Beyond Insurance Industry Smoke & Mirrors: Study Shows “Tort Reform” Does Not Lower Costs

A new study found no evidence that health care costs in Texas dipped after a 2003 constitutional amendment limited payouts in medical malpractice lawsuits, despite claims made to voters by some backers of tort reform.

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